Enhancing the Quality of Life for Those 55 and Older

For more information Contact:


Bobby Aga @ 214 549-6890

Carole Aga @ 214 802-7148

Aga's Home @ 972 962-8939


Sunshine Gang information can be found in the Church Weekly Update, Calendar of Events and the Church Bulletin. 


Let us put you on the Sunshine Gang email list.

Our Goal

Provide an environment that will promote relationship-building opportunities. 

Use our experience and passion for service and

encourage participation in settings and events.

A Journey of Faith    

The “Sunshine Gang” is a program of First United Methodist of Kaufman designed to meet the needs of our members and non-members age 55 and older.    We provide opportunities for singles and couples to participate in a wide range of activities, to experience friendship while growing in their relationship with God, and service in ministry to others. Our goal is to use the experience of this group to serve those in the Church and our community.

     Some adventures are taken in our church bus, some in a caravan of cars and others are right there in Fellowship Hall.   For those who work, we have events in the evening or on weekends but most trips are taken during the week.